About Prestige International Journal of Management and Research

Prestige International Journal of Management and Research (PIJMR)  is a refereed Bi-Annual Journal of Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore. It aims to promote and encourage research in varied disciplines of management. PIJMR invites original contributions in the form of Research Papers, Case studies, and Book Reviews relating to Finance, Economics, HRM, Organizational Behavior, Information Technology, Marketing, Strategic Management, International Business, Operations Management, and other areas of management. The contributions should be original and related to the current issues prevailing at the individual level/organization level or in society at the national or international level. The contributions should be a sign of the rigor and zeal of the researcher’s research-based academic inputs.



A Peer Reviewed, Bi-annual Research Journal indexed in ProQuest and Clarivate and SJIF Impact Factor of 8.025 invites papers for publishing in its upcoming volume. Last date for submission, October 25, 2023

Review System

PIJMR follows a systematic and clear review process. The research articles submitted, go through pre-review screening by the editorial board for their significance and quality. The article which is found to be appropriate is only forwarded for blind review to the subject experts. This review process may take around four months. During the review process, contributor(s) may be asked to amend and re-submit the research article as per the comments of expert/reviewer. After this, the final article will be included for its possible publication in the journal.

Submission & Screening

The research articles submitted, goes through pre-review screening by the editorial board for its significance and quality.

Journal Volumes

Journal Indexing

The papers/articles published in this Journal are indexed and abstracted in

  • The ProQuest, part of Clarivate.
  • Guide to Indian Periodical Literature, published by Indian Documentation Service, Gurgaon, Haryana.

Subscription Rates

S.No.PeriodIndian Rs.Foreign Air Mail US $
1One Year1000200
2Three Years2500500
3Single Copy600100

Submission Guidelines

  • The Journal invites stimulating original, unpublished research/teaching cases, case studies, based on primary and/or secondary data, empirical data, or significant experience of learning on various facets of management.
  • Submission of manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be made electronically, as e-mail attachment, using Microsoft Word or other standard word processing software, addressed to: Dr. Jyoti Vyas Bajpai, Managing Editor, Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore. E-mail: editor@pimrindore.ac.in
  • The text of manuscripts should ordinarily not exceed 5,000 words.
  • Authors will be provided with a copyright form once the contribution is accepted for publication. The submission will be considered as final only after the filled-in and signed copyright form is received.
  • The research work submitted for publishing will go through plagiarism tests and should not carry plagiarism more than 8 percent.
  • Manuscripts are accepted for publication on the understanding that they are subject to editorial revisions. Proofs will not be sent to the authors.
  • The main text of the teaching case should have: Abstract (150-200 words); Keywords (5- 7 words);Introduction; Body of the text; Questions/issues for a teaching case only; in-text citations and references as per APA Style, 7 th edition; Annexures (diagrams, images, figures, tables, graphs); end notes (if any) and bio briefs of each author in not more than 25 words.
  • Teaching notes should follow the structure: Teaching objectives, Target audience, Number of teaching sessions, Author’s analysis of each question raised, and suggested further reading. Teaching notes are not published. Interested readers are advised to approach the corresponding author to get the teaching notes.
  • Contributors must provide their affiliation, complete postal and e-mail addresses. In case there are two or more authors, the corresponding author’s name and contact details should be clearly indicated on the first page.
  • Use British rather than American spellings. Use the ‘z’ variant of British spelling.
  • While referring to periods/decades, use ‘nineteenth century’/*1980s’. Spell out numbers from one to nine, 10 and above to remain in figures. However, for exact measurements use only figures (3 km, 9 per cent not %). Use thousands and millions (e.g., not lakhs and crores).
  • Use single quotes throughout. Double quotes should only be used within single quotes. Spellings of words in quotations should not be changed. Quotations of 45 words or more should be indented from the text.
  • End notes should be numbered serially, the numbers embedded in the manuscript. The notes should be presented at the end of the article. Notes must contain more than a mere reference.
  • All figures, i.e., diagrams, images and photographs, and tables should be provided separate from the text at the end and numbered in the order that they appear in text. Locations of tables and figures should be indicated in the text using call outs (e.g., ‘(see Table 1]). Each figure and table should have a heading, an explanatory caption if necessary, and a source or reference in a separate file. All photographs and scanned images should have a resolution of minimum 300 dpi and 1500 pixels and their format should be eps/.tiff/jpeg. Due permissions should be taken for copyright protected photographs/images.
  •  (Kessler, 2003, p. 50); (Joreskog & Sorborn, 2007, pp. 50-66); Basu et al. (2007) (for three or more authors) ;( Study finds’, 2007); (Anonymous, 1998); (Gogel, 1990, 2006, in press); (Gogel, 1996; Miller, 1999)


  • Book: Patnaik, Utsa (2007). The republic of hunger. Three Essays Collective
  • Book chapter: Chachra, S. (2011). The national question in India. In S. Moyo and P. Yeros (Eds), reclaiming the nation (pp. 67-78). Pluto Press.
  • Journal article: Foster, J.B. (2010). The financialization of accumulation. Monthly Review, 62(5), 1-17.


Chief Editor

Dr. S.S. Bhakar - Group Director, PIMR, Indore

Managing Editor

Dr. Alok Bansal - Professor, PIMR, Indore

Associate Editor

Dr. Pragya Keshari - Associate Professor, PIMR, Indore.

Dr. S.S. Bhakar


Dr. Jyoti Vyas Bajpai

Managing Editor

Dr. Vidya Telang

Editorial Team

Dr. Chanchala Jain

Editorial Team

Dr. Arpan Srivastava

Editorial Team

Editorial Advisory Board

Abad Ahmad

Former Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India

Abdur Rab

Professor, BRAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Benhard Wilpert

Technische Universitat Berlin, STU Berlin, Institute for Psychologie, Berlin, Germany.

Gary N. McLean

AHRD International Board Liasion and Past President, Professor and Coordinator, HRD Program, University of Minnesota, USA.

Khwaja Amjad Saeed

Former Pro-Vice Chancellor, Founder Director, Institute of Business Administration, University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

Milan Zeleny

Professor of Management Systems, Fordham University, Faculty Center Graduate School of Business Administration, Lincoln Center Campus, New York,USA.

Pradeep N. Khandwalla

Former Director, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India.


Professor, Department of Management Studies, Indian institute of Technology, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India.

Abad Ahmad

Former Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India

Abdur Rab

Vice Chancellor of IUBAT International University of Business, Agriculture and Technology, Dhaka Bangladesh.

Gary N. McLean

President. McLean Global Consulting Inc. Professor, University of Minnesota, USA.

Pradip .N. Khandwalla

Former Director Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India.

Dennis Vink

Professor of Finance and Investment, Nyenrode Business Universiteit, Netherlands.

Gerhard Schnyder

Professor and Director Institute of International Management Loughborough University London, United Kingdom.

Bhaskar Das

MICA Governing Council Member, President Content Advisory Group and Chairman Ideate Labs, India.


Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi.