Leisure Spaces to Rejuvenate
PIMR Sports Club
Sports are an integral part of the institute’s extra-curricular activities. The institute has a dedicated sports faculty to guide and train students for various tournaments held in different parts of the country.
Annual inter-college Sports tournament “Spardha” is also organized in the Institute under the aegis of PIMR sports Club.

PIMR Music Room
The Music Club of PIMR has a Music Room dedicated for the purpose. The Music Room symbolizes peace and harmony and aims to impart a stress free atmosphere in the Institute premises. It is situated on the first floor of the Institute building. Photographs of renowned singers of our country namely Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle, Mohammad Rafi, Kishore Kumar, Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, Pandit Jasraj, Kumar Gandharva and Kishori Amonkar adorn the walls of the room.
The room also houses musical instruments such as Key Board, Tabla, Guitar, Harmonium, Clapbox etc. A special cupboard has been created to keep the instruments. The Music Room provides space for holding LMP meetings with students for planning and discussing musical events to be held by the Music Club. It also provides an ambience for music practice – both vocal and instrumental and is frequently used by the students for it.
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Prestige Radio
Prestige Radio is an initiative of the Mass Communication Department of PIMR. This Campus Radio was launched on 23rd March, 2018 with the motive of giving practical exposure to the students of mass communication who are looking for a career in the Radio Industry. This provides students a platform where they can – TALK, SHARE & CONNECT with everyone.
Prestige Radio streams on all working days during the break time, once in the morning and then in the afternoon. The radio’s tagline, “Suno Sabki, Karo Dil Ki”, charges every student every time the radio streams on the campus. Prestige Radio airs various programs like Safarnama, Explore Indore, Bollywood Dairies, Womaniya, What’s Streaming, A-mann ki Baat to name a few.

PIMR Room of Silence
To develop positive activities among the youth, PIMR fraternity started ‘Room of Silence’ in 2012. Students can join the Room of Silence and practice concentration or meditation for some time. It protects them from the potential dangers of excessive use of mobile phones, and lack of sleep. It keeps students more focused on learning. Room of Silence is a great help to abstain young budding managers from distractions and improve their self-esteem and happiness.