Other Events

Event Date

4 March, 2023



Management Research is a systematic process of gathering, recording and analysing data to facilitate the decision making process. Applied research facilitates managerial decision making and reduces uncertainly. It is an amalgamation of techniques and procedures that helps the researcher to know and understand the phenomena in focus. It connotes patient study and scientific investigation, wherein the researcher takes another, more careful look at data to discover all that can be known about the subject under study. 

PIMR in its endeavour to promote business research and encourage academicians and professionals to take up research activities organizes research methodology workshop. The workshop aims to explore the basic dimension of research and the need for scholars to rethink the assumptions that underline historic paradigms of research in the field of management. It is designed to provide participants with hands-on approach to conduct research. On completion of the workshop, participants would develop the skills to review the literature, develop hypotheses, frame research design, identify sampling techniques and comprehend the role and relevance of the tools for data collection and analysis.